Nuchal Cord

Nuchal Cord

One of the greatest fears of any parent is the thought of the umbilical cord wrapped around their baby’s neck, otherwise known as Nuchal Cord. Thoughts of strangulation and the inability to breathe are the first things that come to mind for many. The truth is that babies receive oxygen through the mother’s blood via the umbilical cord, not by breathing through their nose and mouth. This is why babies can be born into water and still receive oxygen. As a Labour Doula, I get asked about nuchal cords often. My response is that they are quite common, one in three babies will be born with one and although it sounds dangerous, this is not usually the case.

In October of 2015, Kelly Winder of Belly Belly Kelly wrote a great article titled “Nuchal Cord – 9 Facts About A Cord Around Baby’s Neck”. I’ve included the link for you to have the facts about Nuchal Cords and put your worries to rest.

We can have peace of mind in understanding that nuchal cords are constructed in such a way that the normal movements and flips of an unborn baby usually won’t disrupt blood flow through the cord. During delivery, doctors and midwives know to monitor for nuchal cord and they can take the appropriate action when needed, for all these reasons, it is rare that the condition causes any problems.

– Grace Jose, CLD